Photo Gallery
In August, we co-hosted a free land-platting workshop with The Heritage at Brentwood, led by the incomparable J. Mark Lowe.Our 2019 Journal Writer's Award, Mitzi Price Freeman:
Our March meeting featured a return of "Genealogy in the Round," featuring 3 speakers and 3 topics - a mini-Seminar in itself!
Our 2018 November Seminar featured local speakers Martha Gerdeman, Melissa Barker, Taneya Koonce and David Dowell, pictured here with President Bob Dennison:...and of course our 'legendary' Seminar refreshments
For our July meeting, we took a field trip to the Nashville Downtown Public Library, including the Civil Rights Room and the Metro-Davidson County Archives:
Our Annual Seminar in November welcomed Judy G. Russell, "The Legal Genealogist"
In October, some of our members worked the Ancestry booth at a local event.
In September, we presented "Genealogy in the Round," allowing attendees to rotate between 4 different genealogy topics in one meeting.
Dr. Derek Frisby presented our July program on repatriating Middle TN soldiers from the Mexican War Battle of Monterey
In May, we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a program from Rick Warwick, Williamson County Historian
Carol Roberts from TSLA presented our March program on preserving family photos.
Attendees at our January meeting shared artifacts and stories of their ancestors.
MTGS members Carolyn Smotherman, Kathryn Hopkins, Joe Nave, Margaret Davitt, Shirley Roach Thompson and Dr. Dave Dowell attend a Genetic Genealogy course at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Vanderbilt, taught by Dr. Dowell.
Our May 2015 program was given by Allen Forkum, publisher of the Nashville Retrospect newspaper, who also served as Judge for our annual MTGS Writer's Award
MTGS Board Member Dorothy Williams Potter and guest speaker Allen Forkum share thoughts about his excellent presentation.
Our May 2015 program included our annual Awards Program, in which MTGS members are recognized by the MTGS President for their service to the Society.
Pictured are Jim Long (honoring Bob Dennison), Kathryn Hopkins, Kay Gregath, Lyn James and Mary Lawrence.
MTGS members share their family artifacts at our popular January 'Show and Tell' program:
November 2014 Seminar - speaker Paula Stuart-Warren with seminar Co-Chairs Kathryn Hopkins and Cinamon Collins, and MTGS President Jim Long
November 2014 Seminar - volunteers Linda Nave, Cinamon Collins, Kathryn Hopkins and Mary Lawrence
November 2014 Seminar - Brentwood Library, a great facility
November 2014 Seminar - our own J. Mark Lowe showed his admiration of our speaker
November 2014 Seminar - not only do we have great speakers, but we're also known for our snacks between sessions
May 2014 meeting - Myers Brown, "Loyal Cavaliers: Images of Tennessee's Union Cavalrymen"
May 2014 awards program - Jim Long, MTGS Journal Writer's Award
May 2014 meeting - Awards Program winners
March 2014 meeting - Joe Spann, "Albion's Seed": Scots-Irish, NOT Scotch-Irish!
March 2014 meeting - 68 attendees kept the sign-in table busy
January 2014 meeting - Dr. Dave Dowell, "Genetic Genealogy"
November 2013 seminar - Registration volunteers
November 2013 seminar - A great crowd at the Brentwood Library
November 2013 seminar - Ran smoothly with so many great volunteers
November 2013 seminar - Seminar Chairs Sue Edwards and Cinamon Collins
November 2013 seminar - Speakers J. Mark Lowe, Chuck Sherrill, Darla Brock and Jim Long with MTGS President Kathryn Hopkins
Sept. 2013 meeting - Bob Duncan, "Flatboats to Natchez"
August 2013 Court Records workshop with J. Mark Lowe
August 2013 Court Records workshop with J. Mark Lowe
May 2013 awards meeting - (L to R) Paul White, Lyn James, Jill Hastings, Kathryn Hopkins, Jim Long, Renee Richeson, Jim Richeson
2012 All-Day Genealogy Seminar with Pam and Rick Sayre
J. Mark Lowe, Pam Boyer Sayre, Rick Sayre and Kathryn Hopkins
Registration volunteers Brenta Davis, Kathy Teague, Mary Lawrence, Danya Downey, Cinamon Collins and Lallie Wallace
170 attendees - a full house!
Kay Gregath and Marilyn Poole
Carolyn Lallemand and Bob Dennison
Seminar hosts Lyn James, Virginia Gooch Watson and Suzanne Rainwater
Membership Meetings, Celebrations and Past Officers
25th Anniversary meeting - May 2012 - (L to R) Shirley Roach Thompson, Mary Lawrence, Bonnie Winn, Dr. Wayne Moore (speaker), Martha Gerdeman, Virginia Gooch Watson, Kay Gregath, Joe Nave2011 Annual Seminar with Elizabeth Shown Mills, J. Mark Lowe, Chuck Sherrill
May 2008 annual awards program - (L to R) Chuck Sherrill, Virginia Gooch Watson, George Zepp (speaker), Martha Gerdeman, Katheryne Cowan, Charlotte Solee, Juanita Patton, Bob Dennison
20th Anniversary meeting and Awards program - May 2007 - (L to R) Virginia Gooch Watson, Sue Edwards, Sue Smith, Juanita Patton, Mary Lawrence, Lyn James
Barbara Sistler, Sue Edwards, Shirley Wilson
Doris Corn Rogers and Oddie Bryant JonesVirginia Gooch Watson and Laine Sutherland, Sept. 2008
T. Vance Little, November 2006